WASA to arrest illegal users falling outside amnesty cover

Thursday January 31, 2019

Lahore: The Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) has announced its intention to arrest illegal water connection users falling outside its amnesty cover after March 5, a news source reported. They will face both imprisonment and fines. Read: WASA announces amnesty scheme for illegal water connections WASA Vice Chairman Sheikh Imtiaz Mahmood said that the amnesty scheme has been announced for those using water connections without the agency’s approval. All such consumers have been given the option to legalise their connections under the scheme without paying any fine. They are simply required to submit an application on plain paper, along with their property documentation and CNIC copies. The vice chairman warned that following the deadline’s expiration, those who have not availed the scheme will not be spared. He strongly advised users to legalise their water connections urgently – in order to avoid any future trouble. He was attending a WASA open court session to attend to consumer complaints.
