LDA to prepare proposal for Mall Road tunnel

Sunday January 31, 2021

Lahore: Lahore Development Authority (LDA) has begun the preparation of a proposal to construct a tunnel on Mall Road in order to boost traffic flow on it – a news source reported on November 18. Mall Road is one of the busiest roads of Lahore and a number of city’s major markets including Hall Road market, Neela Gumbad bicycle market, Anarkali bazaar, Baden Road market as well as various government offices and courts are located on it. These attract a large amount of traffic particularly on weekdays. LDA had previously been instructed by Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar to work on a proposal to improve the traffic flow on Mall Road. For this purpose, LDA is now working on two ideas, one of which is the construction of the tunnel that will run from Mian Mir Bridge to Neela Gumbad Chowk and will have exit points on a number of Chowks on the road. The tunnel will go down to the depth of 40-50 feet.The other idea involves two-way underpass at all intersections on the road.
