Survey on buildings missing fire safety arrangements completed, crackdown up next

Wednesday September 30, 2020

Rawalpindi: The survey to identify buildings missing satisfactory fire safety has been completed, reported a news source. The authorities concerned are now preparing to launch a crackdown against such buildingsAs per the instructions of Rawalpindi Home Department, the owners of CNG stations, petroleum agencies, factories and high-rise buildings were served red notices to ensure proper fire safety measures. These arrangements, as per the notice, included instructions of providing emergency exits in case of a fire breakout and the installation of fire extinguishers. The building owners who failed to follow the instructions shared in the red notices will now face legal action. To brief the Civil Defence Department further on the consequent course of action, the Home Secretary has called a meeting on April 16. The Home Department will share the schedule for crackdown against such facilities. The survey finding revealed that District Rawalpindi, which is home to over 500 high-rise buildings, has several buildings missing on property fire safety measures. Fifty of these are located in Rawalpindi City, 19 in Gojar Khan, 4 in Taxila, and 9 in Kahuta. Out of the other structures including petrol pumps, shopping malls, factories and LPG and petroleum agencies, 80% lack arrangements to deal with fire breakouts.According to a Rawalpindi District Civil Defence officer, 70 such buildings have been sealed and the remaining imposed with heavy fines.
